Featured image of post Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge

For my baby Doudou, wishing him a beautiful next life

I started this piece back when you were still roaming the city

Do you miss me?

Crossed the rainbow bridge, is there the same brand of kitty purée for you to indulge in?

Your amber eyes staring back at me on my phone screen

Do you see me cry in your absence

Your silky black fur shining under the boiling hot sun of summer

Your welcoming tail wag when I stepped out in my sporting shorts

Your disappointed yawn when the drawer opened and revealed your secrets

How could the universe take you away like a gust of wind

You barely spent anytime with me

We promise we’d grow old together

You would walk at my wedding as my ring bearer

Or kiss my firstborn good night

Hiss at my toddler’s messing hands

Zoom through the city with your friendly feline friends

None of that gets to happen

Did you hear? A new girl has arrived

She’s gorgeous and sweet

but we can barely forget about you

Your grey friend no longer comes around

Guess he heard the bell ringing for your eulogy

I stare out of the window twenty times a day

Waiting for the crispy sound of you coming home

Or hoping you’d hop on the window-side cabinet

And drink from that pink water fountain

Please forgive me

I love you more than I love my selfish existence

I didn’t fight for you hard enough this time around

Next life I’ll fend for you and die for you

That is a promise

Photo by Sašo Tušar on Unsplash

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Sep 14, 2022 20:16 UTC
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